Sunday, December 16, 2007
rocker cover fasteners
Saturday, December 08, 2007
TSSC open weekend
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Science museum
Well We have just come back home after a weekend away in London. While we were there we visited the science museum a favourite haunt of mine as a child. The place has changed so much since I was last there, but it is still just as exciting as I remember it. I thought I would post a few photos. It is sad to think how engineers were really appreciated up till a relatively few years ago.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wet Patch

Saturday, November 17, 2007
On the road
Friday, November 16, 2007
were back on the road again
Thursday, November 15, 2007
brakes away
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
NEC Classic show
Friday, November 02, 2007
All weather motoring is here
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm able to stop anytime
Monday, December 04, 2006
Car swap
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Alternator repairs
Apart from the alternator I haven't done any other jobs on the cars. The TR4A is in the garage at the moment until I renew the insurance next week. I was readin in one of the classic mags that you now have to send your tax disc back to DVLC and declare sorn if you don't have your car insured or you will recieve a £100 fine. Hopefully this hasn't come into effect just yet as I still have the car taxed. I geuss I will just have to wait and see if I get anything in the post.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Its been a good day
The second report is on the Club Triumph Eastern fun day and picnic. The picnic was held at the country park on Mersea Island. We all met up as usual at the services at Boreham on the A12 at about 10.00 am and then drove in a convoy down to Mersea Island. On the way we passed through Maldon, Goldhanger, Tollyshunt and various other pretty villages. In the main the journey was uneventful apart from a stretch of newly re-surfaced road which had loose chippings for about 2 miles, this would have been no problem apart from the 4 wheel drive cars traveling in the opposite direction at about 50 mph throwing chippings up everywhere. Once at the country park it was all hands to the pumps to unload the cars of all our picnic equipment, food and of course games. There were more kites, badminton racquets, baseball bats and balls and of course that old favorite swingball's than people to play them. It was all good fun with kites divebombing the unsuspecting picnickers (Jaime you must learn to play nicely) and sponge rockets flying all over the place, still boys will be boys even when their all grown up. After all the fun with the games we all settled down to a nice picnic lunch, some of us that is, Adrian seemed to think a picnic consisted of a full seven course banquet, that's what happens when you let a man go shopping. We stayed until around 2.00pm, and as our country needed us, or at least the England football team did as they were playing at 4.00pm and we had an hour and fifteen minute journey home we daren't leave it any later. It was a good day out and as Jaime said " it was nice to go out to a social event rather than another car show."
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Spitfire manifold
Friday, June 23, 2006
MOT time
Monday, June 12, 2006
It's been a some time
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Top Gear - Boating challenge
It just goes to show how adaptable Triumph cars can be one day the king of the road and the next king of the reservior.
Top Gear gets better every week with the outrageous challenges and topical car chat.

Updates to Blog
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Spitfire repairs

Sunday, May 14, 2006
Battlesbridge show and other work
I also got some gearbox oil for the TR4A as I had taken the interior topiecess yesterday to get the gearbox tunnel off in search of the reason the overdrive had stopped working, I found a wire disconnected to the overdrive solenoid but while I had the gearbox cover off I topped up the oil as well. I managed to put the car back together this afternoon and took it for a test drive and the overdrive is back working.
I also run into a friend who happened to have a pair of re-conditioned brake calipers for a Spitfire for £20 each and as I was planning to overhaul the front end of the Spitfire this year they were just the ticket.
I also got some good news that my friends wife had a baby boy yesterday and both mother and baby are doing well. So congratulations to Jon and Heather and their new baby.
The re-conditioned calipers I bought at Battlesbridge
The gearbox cover off the TR4A - looking for the overdrive problem
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Jamie's Spitfire
Sunday, May 07, 2006
TSSC south of England meet

Thursday, May 04, 2006
A tale of two car nights
The Ace cafe was absolutely packed out, there cars parked all over the place, every available space seemed to be filled with American cars or Hot rod's. The pictures below show some of the cars that were there.
What ever your views are on taking an old car and changing it beyond recognition you have to admire the work and skills needed to create these cars. The engines are pure works of art in many case's as are the body work and interiors.
The second night was the regular Club Triumph Eastern club night at the White Horse pub in Ramsden Bellhouse. There was a good turnout as normal and the car park displayed a good number of Triumph's, there was a particularly good show of Spitfires along with Heralds, Vitesse's, TR4A, Austin Healy 3000 amongst others. The night was its usual blend of good food, discussion, the customary quiz and raffle. It was an altogether more civilised occasion than the previous night, but they were both enjoyable in their different ways.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Not a lot happening
I have added a calendar to my weblog side bar, in it are some dates for events I would like to attend. You can set the calendar to send an email to remind you of a certain event (please check dates with the website listed - I have been known to make the odd mistake!). Please feel free to have a look and don't forget to use my guest book to send me a friendly message or maybe details of an event I have not listed.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sunday outing
"The automotive industry at the time was looking for other projects due to the completion of wartime contracts. Harry found a suitable works at Banner Lane Coventry owned by the Standard Motor Car Co. With Government restrictions on raw materials Harry Ferguson approached the government of the time with a request to purchase the raw materials necessary for the production of tractors. This was approved due to the necessity of work in the area and the fact that it was a bid to increase food production for the country. In July 1947 Standard were about to develop a new engine for the new post war family saloon car - which became the Vanguard. Harry Ferguson decided that this could be adapted to fit A tractor design he had in mind" - St Francis Hospice
Thursday, April 27, 2006
TR4A Brakes

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
One of those days!!

Toolkit for the TR4A
I found the old rotor arm in the garage and put it back on and the car was back to normal. Looking at the failed rotor arm it does seem rather cheaply made, the only fixing for the contact plate is a small rivet which is pressed into a serrated hole in the plastic rotor arm body, the old rotor arm is much more substantial with the contact plate moulded into the rotor body. The original rotor on the left and the failed unit on the right
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Carburettor overhaul update
On another note I was going to take a run up to the TR Register club night at ramsden Bellhouse tonight but when I came back from the quick test run I noticed a patch of fluid around where the rear wheel a was sitting on the drive. I checked the brake fluid and sure enough it was rather low, so another shopping trip on the internet for a rear wheel cylinder kit and the next chapter on the weblog.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Carburettor overhaul update

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Club Triumph eastern run to Finchingfield

Friday, April 21, 2006
Carburettor overhaul update
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Carburettor overhaul update

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
TR4A carburettor overhaul
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Club Triumph treasure hunt
However the next day was a different story. I took the spit to work and she was running really rough at idle and miss firing when accelerating. When I opened the bonnet there was petrol coming from the vent hole in the top of the float chamber of the rear carb. I had run the petrol really low the night before and I think I must have pulled some dirt into the carbs. Once I had taken the float chamber top off and cleaned out the needle valve the car returned to running well again. I won't let the petrol go as low as that again.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter weekend
The D Day landings exhibition was especially poignant, the entrance into the area was through a landing craft with the sound of gunfire all around, it was humbling to think what the men who fought there went through. The exhibits included monty's field caravans, staff cars, heavy vehicles etc. The exhibit also had a hands on area where you could handle the kit that a soldier would have carried, it was so heavy, how they carried it all for so long is incredible. We left duxford a little wiser and with a whole lot of respect for what those soldiers did for us all.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Spitfire Steering wheel